Its been a year since I decided to take a gap year from university. I seriously catn find any fucking job and tis really depressing me. Well at least it was 6 months ago. I was waaaay to fucking depressed some nights I would, just cry and didnt know what to do.
But thank fucking god!!!! Its september and I start university and I can put this sad one year of my life behind me.
At least this year has taught me not to take anything for granted and if I see and opportunity that benefits me....fucking take it!!
Anyways Im just really happy I dont have to go out giving c.v.'s while cycling in the pouring rain, snow or heat.
Hey who knows maybe Il even stop avoiding people and giving every girl who takes interest in the brush off :)
Geeeeeeeeeee I hope I dont ruin my second chance O_O
its hard! i tried three times and still can't get a break!
Try a hundred, fuck it keep doing it until you get black listed!